Hi Folks!
This is my first attempt at doing on-line pilates classes. As we have to isolate ourselves over these coming months to slow the spread of Coronovirus, at least we can continue to stay strong together. In all the turmoil, it is important to take time to look after our well-being.
So, I have posted a few short videos below to get you started. These are free to view but only accessible by a password which I will email to you. You will see me ‘warts and all’ in my makeshift studio at home. There may even be a few guest appearances by my puppy Billy!
My aim is to then live stream classes using Zoom Business Meetings. They will take place at your normal class time and you will also have the opportunity to say ‘Hi’ and keep in touch with your fellow classmates. The classes will be 40 minutes long and will be charged at your normal rate. Again, I will send more details over the next week.
Meanwhile, stay strong, stay well and keep in touch.
Liz x
Video #1 – Standing Warm-up and Mobilisation
Video #2 – Standing Leg Work ‘barre style’
Video #3 – Basic Mat Work Warm-up
Video #4 – Breathing
Video #5 – Chair Exercises
Out-take with Billy!…